#+TITLE: Readme #+AUTHOR: Emma Nora Theuer * Dotfiles ** What is this? Dotfiles is a name typically used for the configuration files of various programs. These are my most relevant config files. This repo exists for two main reasons: + Saving these config files in case something goes wrong with my system so I don't lose them + Providing insight and inspiration for those curious ** What to do with these? Just take a look at how my system works! Additionally, if you want to try out one of the pieces of software I use and you aren't familiar with the configuration, my files may serve as an interim config for you or just as a simple inspiration/guideline on how the software is configured. My qtile config for example is a literate config and you will find a lot of information on everything in config.org, which is the main file intended for reading. You could also use these files as a skeleton for your own. TL;DR: Just do whatever you want with these, I'm not a cop. ** Remarks + Some of these config files are heavily inspired by those of DistroTube. + These files are not always up to date, but I try my best. + If you want to use my .bashrc, make sure to install programs like eza beforehand so you don't break your shell by not having access to ls, because it is overriden. + Proceed similarly with the dependencies of other configs. I might or might write those out one by one, just make sure you have everything you need.