################################################################################################################################################## ### IF YOU ARE READING CONFIG.PY, SWITCH TO CONFIG.ORG IN EMACS!! THIS VERSION IS TANGELD FROM A LITERATE CONFIG AND HAS NEXT TO NO COMMENTS!! ### ################################################################################################################################################## import os import re import subprocess from libqtile.config import KeyChord, Key, Screen, Group, Drag, Click from libqtile.command import lazy from libqtile import layout, bar, widget, hook from libqtile.lazy import lazy from typing import List # noqa: F401 mod = "mod4" # Sets mod key to SUPER/WINDOWS myTerm = "alacritty" # My terminal of choice keys = [ Key([mod], "Return", lazy.spawn(myTerm), desc='Launches My Terminal' ), Key([mod], "r", lazy.spawn("rofi -show drun"), desc='Rofi Run Launcher' ), Key([mod], "Tab", lazy.next_layout(), desc='Toggle through layouts' ), Key([mod], "x", lazy.window.kill(), desc='Kill active window' ), Key([mod, "shift"], "r", lazy.restart(), desc='Restart Qtile' ), Key([mod, "shift"], "q", lazy.shutdown(), desc='Shutdown Qtile' ), ### Window controls Key([mod], "k", lazy.layout.down(), desc='Move focus down in current stack pane' ), Key([mod], "j", lazy.layout.up(), desc='Move focus up in current stack pane' ), Key([mod, "shift"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_down(), desc='Move windows down in current stack' ), Key([mod, "shift"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_up(), desc='Move windows up in current stack' ), Key([mod], "h", lazy.layout.grow(), lazy.layout.increase_nmaster(), desc='Expand window (MonadTall), increase number in master pane (Tile)' ), Key([mod], "l", lazy.layout.shrink(), lazy.layout.decrease_nmaster(), desc='Shrink window (MonadTall), decrease number in master pane (Tile)' ), Key([mod], "y", lazy.layout.normalize(), desc='normalize window size ratios' ), Key([mod, "shift"], "f", lazy.window.toggle_floating(), desc='toggle floating' ), Key([mod, "shift"], "w", lazy.to_screen(0), desc='Move focus to monitor one' ), Key([mod, "shift"], "e", lazy.to_screen(1), desc='Move focus to monitor two' ), Key([mod], "f", lazy.spawn("firefox"), desc='Firefox' ), Key([mod], "n", lazy.spawn("/home/emma/AppImages/Vesktop.AppImage"), desc='Vesktop' ), Key([mod, "shift"], "n", lazy.spawn("discord"), desc='Standard Discord Client' ), Key([mod], "w", lazy.spawn("lowriter"), desc='Libre Office Writer' ), Key([mod], "p", lazy.spawn("pcmanfm"), desc='PCmanFM' ), Key([mod], "v", lazy.spawn("vlc"), desc='VLC Media Player' ), Key([mod], "d", lazy.spawn("deadbeef"), desc='The DeaDBeeF Music Player' ), Key([mod], "m", lazy.spawn("mailspring --password-store='gnome-libsecret'"), desc='My Email Client of Choice' ), # Gscreenshot KeyChord([mod], "g", [ Key([], "s", lazy.spawn("flameshot gui")), Key([], "g", lazy.spawn("flameshot full -c -p /home/emma/Bilder/flameshots")) ]), # Emacs KeyChord([mod], "e", [ Key([], "e", lazy.spawn("emacsclient -c -a 'emacs'")), Key([], "p", lazy.spawn("emacsclient -c -a 'emacs' ~/Projektordner/Hauptprojekt.org")), Key([], "q", lazy.spawn("emacsclient -c -a 'emacs' ~/.config/qtile/config.org")) ]), # Switching Keyboard Layouts KeyChord([mod], "space", [ Key([], "e", lazy.spawn("setxkbmap -layout us -variant altgr-intl")), Key([], "p", lazy.spawn("setxkbmap -layout pl")), Key([], "g", lazy.spawn("setxkbmap -layout gr")), ]), # Steam KeyChord([mod], "z", [ ### Steam Runtime Key([], "z", lazy.spawn("steam")), ### Hollow Knight Key([], "h", lazy.spawn("steam steam://rungameid/367520")), #### Code Vein Key([], "c", lazy.spawn("steam steam://rungameid/678960")), ### Red Dead Redemption Key([], "r", lazy.spawn("steam steam://rungameid/1174180")), ### Souls Series KeyChord([], "d", [ Key([], "1", lazy.spawn("steam steam://rungameid/570940")), Key([], "3", lazy.spawn("steam steam://rungameid/374320")) ]), ### SAO Series KeyChord([], "s", [ Key([], "1", lazy.spawn("steam steam://rungameid/607890")), Key([], "2", lazy.spawn("steam steam://rungameid/626690")) ]), ### Outlast Series KeyChord([], "o", [ Key([], "1", lazy.spawn("steam steam://rungameid/238320")), Key([], "2", lazy.spawn("steam steam://rungameid/414700")) ]), ### Tomb Raider Series KeyChord([], "t", [ Key([], "1", lazy.spawn("steam steam://rungameid/203160")), Key([], "2", lazy.spawn("steam steam://rungameid/391220")), Key([], "3", lazy.spawn("steam steam://rungameid/750920")) ]) ]) ] group_names = [("Term", {'layout': 'monadtall'}), ("Web", {'layout': 'monadtall'}), ("Chat", {'layout': 'monadtall'}), ("Dev", {'layout': 'monadtall'}), ("Game", {'layout': 'floating'}), ("Text", {'layout': 'monadtall'}), ("Music", {'layout': 'monadtall'}), ("Misc", {'layout': 'floating'}), ("Qbit", {'layout': 'monadtall'})] groups = [Group(name, **kwargs) for name, kwargs in group_names] for i, (name, kwargs) in enumerate(group_names, 1): keys.append(Key([mod], str(i), lazy.group[name].toscreen())) # Switch to another group keys.append(Key([mod, "shift"], str(i), lazy.window.togroup(name))) # Send current window to another group layout_theme = {"border_width": 2, "margin": 6, "border_focus": "e1acff", "border_normal": "1D2330" } layouts = [ # layout.MonadWide(**layout_theme), # layout.Bsp(**layout_theme), # layout.Stack(stacks=2, **layout_theme), # layout.Columns(**layout_theme), # layout.Tile(shift_windows=True, **layout_theme), # layout.RatioTile(**layout_theme), # layout.VerticalTile(**layout_theme), # layout.Zoomy(**layout_theme), # layout.Matrix(**layout_theme), # layout.Max(**layout_theme), # layout.Stack(**layout_theme, num_stacks=2), layout.MonadTall(**layout_theme), layout.Floating(**layout_theme) ] colors = [["#282c34", "#282c34"], # panel background ["#434758", "#434758"], # background for current screen tab ["#ffffff", "#ffffff"], # font color for group names ["#ff5555", "#ff5555"], # border line color for current tab ["#74438f", "#74438f"], # border line color for other tab and odd widgets ["#4f76c7", "#4f76c7"], # color for the even widgets ["#e1acff", "#e1acff"]] # window name # Sets the format for Qtile's run prompt. The config doesn't work if this isn't set but I didn't want to make a new Source Block and a literrate explanation for this, since it's only a thing that makes stuff work prompt = "{0}@{1}: ".format(os.environ["USER"], os.uname()[1]) widget_defaults = dict( font="Mononoki Nerd Font", fontsize = 12, padding = 2, background=colors[2] ) extension_defaults = widget_defaults.copy() def init_widgets_list(): widgets_list = [ widget.Sep( linewidth = 0, padding = 6, foreground = colors[2], background = colors[0] ), widget.GroupBox( font = "Mononoki Nerd Font", fontsize = 9, margin_y = 3, margin_x = 0, padding_y = 5, padding_x = 3, borderwidth = 3, active = colors[2], inactive = colors[2], rounded = False, highlight_color = colors[1], highlight_method = "line", this_current_screen_border = colors[3], this_screen_border = colors [4], other_current_screen_border = colors[0], other_screen_border = colors[0], foreground = colors[2], background = colors[0] ), widget.Prompt( prompt = prompt, font = "Mononoki Nerd Font", padding = 10, foreground = colors[3], background = colors[1] ), widget.Sep( linewidth = 0, padding = 40, foreground = colors[2], background = colors[0] ), widget.WindowName( foreground = colors[6], background = colors[0], padding = 0 ), widget.TextBox( text='', background = colors[0], foreground = colors[4], padding = -5, fontsize = 37 ), widget.CPU( foreground = colors[2], background = colors[4], padding = 3 ), widget.TextBox( text = '', background = colors[4], foreground = colors[5], padding = -5, fontsize = 37 ), widget.Memory( foreground = colors[2], background = colors[5], padding = 5 ), widget.TextBox( text = '', background = colors[5], foreground = colors[4], padding = -5, fontsize = 37 ), widget.Net( foreground = colors[2], background = colors[4], padding = 5 ), widget.TextBox( text='', background = colors[4], foreground = colors[5], padding = -5, fontsize = 37 ), widget.TextBox( text = " ⟳", padding = 2, foreground = colors[2], background = colors[5], fontsize = 14 ), widget.CheckUpdates( update_interval = 1800, distro = "Arch", display_format = "{updates} Updates", foreground = colors[2], execute = 'alacritty -e doas pacman -Syu', background = colors[5] ), widget.TextBox( text = '', background = colors[5], foreground = colors[4], padding = -5, fontsize = 37 ), widget.CurrentLayout( foreground = colors[2], background = colors[4], padding = 5 ), widget.TextBox( text = '', background = colors[4], foreground = colors[5], padding = -5, fontsize = 37 ), widget.Clock( foreground = colors[2], background = colors[5], execute = 'gnome-calendar', format = "%A, %B %d [ %H:%M:%S ]" ), widget.Sep( linewidth = 0, padding = 10, foreground = colors[0], background = colors[5] ), widget.TextBox( text = '', background = colors[5], foreground = colors[4], padding = -5, fontsize = 37 ), widget.Systray( background = colors[4], padding = 2 ), widget.Sep( linewidth = 0, padding = 5, foreground = colors[2], background = colors[4] ), ] return widgets_list def init_widgets_screen1(): widgets_screen1 = init_widgets_list() return widgets_screen1 def init_widgets_screen2(): widgets_screen2 = init_widgets_list() widgets_screen2 = widgets_screen2[:-3] + widgets_screen2[-1:] return widgets_screen2 def init_screens(): return [Screen(top=bar.Bar(widgets=init_widgets_screen1(), opacity=1.0, size=20)), Screen(top=bar.Bar(widgets=init_widgets_screen2(), opacity=1.0, size=20))] if __name__ in ["config", "__main__"]: screens = init_screens() def window_to_prev_group(qtile): if qtile.currentWindow is not None: i = qtile.groups.index(qtile.currentGroup) qtile.currentWindow.togroup(qtile.groups[i - 1].name) def window_to_next_group(qtile): if qtile.currentWindow is not None: i = qtile.groups.index(qtile.currentGroup) qtile.currentWindow.togroup(qtile.groups[i + 1].name) # A list, which tells the mouse what to do when which button is pressed together with the mod key. mouse = [ Drag([mod], "Button1", lazy.window.set_position_floating(), start=lazy.window.get_position()), Drag([mod], "Button3", lazy.window.set_size_floating(), start=lazy.window.get_size()), Click([mod], "Button2", lazy.window.bring_to_front()) ] dgroups_key_binder = None dgroups_app_rules = [] # type: List main = None follow_mouse_focus = False bring_front_click = True cursor_warp = False floating_layout = layout.Floating(float_rules=[ *layout.Floating.default_float_rules ]) auto_fullscreen = True focus_on_window_activation = "smart" auto_minimize = False @hook.subscribe.startup_once def start_once(): home = os.path.expanduser('~') subprocess.Popen([home + '/.config/qtile/autostart.sh']) wmname = "qtile"