diff --git a/README.org b/README.org index 2aa15ea..afb8321 100644 --- a/README.org +++ b/README.org @@ -13,11 +13,17 @@ That might very well be. I'm just getting back into java so clean code, standard * Scripts here This will be a short summary of what each script that I upload here is. +** fizzbuzz.java +This doesn't need much explaining. It's a simple fizzbuzz. I used this to motivate myself while feeling down and unmotivated to code. It took less than 3 minutes. + ** LuckyNumber.java A short, simple script that asks the user for nationality and displays a lucky number based on that input. It was a quick and dirty script that I did very early, mostly to get me familiar with String comparison and conditionals. I would probably do it a bit differently by now (use a switch statement instead of an if-else chain) and use a random number generator for people who aren't German or Polish. Part of why I did that project also just was a 2137 joke lol -** fizzbuzz.java -This doesn't need much explaining. It's a simple fizzbuzz. I used this to motivate myself while feeling down and unmotivated to code. It took less than 3 minutes. +** Passgen/ +Passgen (Also known as this took 5 minutes, half the code and no packaging in python) is a very simple project, actually. It generates a cryptographically secure password using a simple cli (Using picocli). This was meant to be a lot less work because I did not expect needing a third party library and maven (and as such a pom.xml file) for this to work correctly. It can generate an xkcd-style password (See [[https://xkcd.com/936][xkcd-936]] for more), a password using letters and numbers and using letters, numbers and special characters. The length is variable. A bit on how it works: ++ -x --xkcd will generate an xkcd style password ++ -s --simple will generate a password only using letters and numbers ++ -l --length sets the length of the password. For regular passwords and simple passwords, this determines the length, for xkcd passwords the amount of words. ** TicTacToe.java The first bigger file for now. It's a TicTacToe game. Uses coordinates and an ASCII playing field. Used it to familiarize me with more complex data structures again (HashMaps, ArrayLists, an initial draft also contained a HashSet). Also the first file that actually used multiple functions, which was very useful to refamiliarize myself with how variable scope and all that is handled in java.