#!/usr/bin/env python3 from sys import exit from os import chdir, getenv, system import logging import tomllib from datetime import datetime, time from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler from apscheduler.triggers.cron import CronTrigger # setup logging chdir(str(getenv("HOME")) + "/.local/share/wallman/") logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(filename="wallman.log", encoding="utf-8", level=logging.DEBUG) # read config # a = list(data["changing_times"].values()) # print(a[0]) class ConfigError(Exception): pass class _ConfigLib: def _initialize_config(self) -> dict: chdir(str(getenv("HOME")) + "/.config/wallman/") with open("wallman.toml", "rb") as config_file: data = tomllib.load(config_file) return data # a = list(data["changing_times"].values()) # print(a[0]) def __init__(self): self.config_file: dict = self._initialize_config() # Full config # Dictionaries self.config_general: dict = self.config_file["general"] self.config_changing_times: dict = self.config_file["changing_times"] # Values in Dicts self.config_wallpaper_sets_enabled: bool = self.config_general["enable_wallpaper_sets"] self.config_used_sets: list = self.config_general["used_sets"] self.config_wallpapers_per_set: int = self.config_general["wallpapers_per_set"] self.config_total_changing_times: int = len(self.config_changing_times) try: self.config_notify = self.config_general["notify"] except KeyError: self.config_notify = False logger.warning("'notify' is not set in dictionary general in the config file, defaulting to 'false'.") def _set_fallback_wallpaper(self): if self.config_general["fallback_wallpaper"]: system(f"feh --bg-fill --no-fehbg {self.config_general['fallback_wallpaper']}") logger.info("The fallback Wallpaper has been set.") else: logger.critical("An Error occured and no fallback wallpaper was provided, exiting...") raise ConfigError("An error occured and no fallback wallpaper has been set, exiting...") class ConfigValidity(_ConfigLib): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def _check_fallback_wallpaper(self): if self.config_general["fallback_wallpaper"]: logger.debug("A fallback wallpaper has been defined.") return True else: logger.warning("No fallback wallpaper has been provided. If the config is written incorrectly, the program will not be able to be executed.") return False def _check_wallpapers_per_set_and_changing_times(self) -> bool: # Check if the amount of wallpapers_per_set and given changing times match if self.config_total_changing_times == self.config_wallpapers_per_set: logger.debug("The amount of changing times and wallpapers per set is set correctly") return True else: try: self._set_fallback_wallpaper() logger.error("The amount of changing_times and the amount of wallpapers_per_set does not much, the fallback wallpaper has been set.") print("ERROR: The amount of changing_times and the amount of wallpapers_per_set does not much, the fallback wallpaper has been set.") return False except ConfigError: logger.critical("The amount of changing times and the amount of wallpapers per set does not match, exiting...") raise ConfigError("Please provide an amount of changing_times equal to wallpapers_per_set, exiting...") def _check_general_validity(self) -> bool: if len(self.config_general) < 3: try: self._set_fallback_wallpaper() logger.error("An insufficient amount of elements has been provided for general, the fallback wallpaper has been set.") print("ERROR: An insufficient amount of wallpapers has been provided for general, the fallback wallpaper has been set.") return False except ConfigError: logger.critical("An insufficient amount of elements for general has been provided, exiting...") raise ConfigError("general should have at least 3 elements, exiting...") else: logger.debug("A valid amount of options has been provided in general") return True def _check_wallpaper_dicts(self) -> bool: # This block checks if a dictionary for each wallpaper set exists for wallpaper_set in self.config_used_sets: if wallpaper_set in self.config_file: logger.debug(f"The dictionary {wallpaper_set} has been found in config.") return True else: try: self._set_fallback_wallpaper() logger.error(f"The dictionary {wallpaper_set} has not been found in the config, the fallback wallpaper has been set.") print(f"ERROR: The dictionary {wallpaper_set} has not been found in the config, the fallback wallpaper has been set.") return False except ConfigError: logger.critical(f"No dictionary {wallpaper_set} has been found in the config exiting...") raise ConfigError(f"The dictionary {wallpaper_set} has not been found in the config, exiting...") def _check_wallpaper_amount(self) -> bool: # This block checks if if each wallpaper set dictionary provides enough wallpapers to satisfy wallpapers_per_set for wallpaper_set in self.config_used_sets: if len(self.config_file[wallpaper_set]) == self.config_wallpapers_per_set: logger.debug(f"Dictionary {wallpaper_set} has sufficient values.") return True else: try: self._set_fallback_wallpaper() logger.error(f"The Dictionary {wallpaper_set} does not have sufficient entries, the fallback wallpaper has been set.") print(f"ERROR: The Dictionaty {wallpaper_set} does not have sufficient entries, the fallback wallpaper has been set.") return False except ConfigError: logger.critical(f"Dictionary {wallpaper_set} does not have sufficient entries, exciting...") raise ConfigError(f"Dictionary {wallpaper_set} does not have the correct amount of entries, exciting...") def validate_config(self) -> bool: if not self._check_fallback_wallpaper(): pass if not self._check_wallpapers_per_set_and_changing_times(): exit(1) if not self._check_general_validity(): exit(1) if not self._check_wallpaper_dicts(): exit(1) if not self._check_wallpaper_amount(): exit(1) logger.debug("The config file has been validated successfully (No Errors)") return True class WallpaperLogic(_ConfigLib): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.chosen_wallpaper_set = False # Returns a list of a split string that contains a changing time from the config file def _clean_times(self, desired_time) -> list: unclean_times = list(self.config_changing_times.values())[desired_time] return unclean_times.split(":") def _choose_wallpaper_set(self) -> None: from random import choice as choose_from self.chosen_wallpaper_set = choose_from(self.config_used_sets) self.wallpaper_list = list(self.config_file[self.chosen_wallpaper_set].values()) logger.debug(f"Chose wallpaper set {self.chosen_wallpaper_set}") # Verify if a given time is in a given range def _time_in_range(self, start, end, x) -> bool: if start <= end: return start <= x <= end else: return start <= x or x < end def _check_system_exitcode(self, code) -> bool: if code != 0: try: self.set_fallback_wallpaper() logger.error(f"The wallpaper {self.wallpaper_list[time_range]} has not been found, the fallback wallpaper has been set. Future wallpapers will still attempted to be set.") print(f"ERROR: The wallpaper {self.wallpaper_list[time_range]} has not been found, the fallback wallpaper has been set. Future wallpapers will still attempted to be set.") return False except ConfigError: logger.error(f"The wallpaper {self.wallpaper_list[time_range]} has not been found and no fallback wallpaper has been set. Future wallpapers will still attempted to be set.") print(f"ERROR: The wallpaper {self.wallpaper_list[time_range]} has not been found and no fallback wallpaper has been set. Future wallpapers will still attempted to be set.") return False else: return True def _notify_user(self): system("notify-send 'Wallman' 'A new Wallpaper has been set.'") logger.debug("Sent desktop notification.") def set_wallpaper_by_time(self) -> bool: # Ensure use of a consistent wallpaper set if self.chosen_wallpaper_set is False: self._choose_wallpaper_set() for time_range in range(self.config_total_changing_times - 1): clean_time = self._clean_times(time_range) clean_time_two = self._clean_times(time_range + 1) # Check if the current time is between a given and the following changing time and if so, set that wallpaper. If not, keep trying. if self._time_in_range(time(int(clean_time[0]), int(clean_time[1]), int(clean_time[2])), time(int(clean_time_two[0]), int(clean_time_two[1]), int(clean_time_two[2])), datetime.now().time()): system(f"feh --bg-scale --no-fehbg --quiet {self.wallpaper_list[time_range]}") exitcode = system(f"feh --bg-scale --no-fehbg --quiet {self.wallpaper_list[time_range]}") has_wallpaper_been_set = self._check_system_exitcode(exitcode) if self.config_notify: self._notify_user() return has_wallpaper_been_set else: continue system(f"feh --bg-scale --no-fehbg {self.wallpaper_list[-1]}") exitcode = system(f"feh --bg-scale --no-fehbg {self.wallpaper_list[-1]}") has_wallpaper_been_set = self._check_system_exitcode(exitcode) if self.config_notify: self._notify_user() return has_wallpaper_been_set def schedule_wallpapers(self): scheduler = BlockingScheduler() # Create a scheduled job for every changing time for changing_time in range(len(self.config_changing_times)): clean_time = self._clean_times(changing_time) scheduler.add_job(self.set_wallpaper_by_time, trigger=CronTrigger(hour=clean_time[0], minute=clean_time[1], second=clean_time[2])) scheduler.start() logger.info("The scheduler has been started.")