2024-05-28 21:38:55 +00:00
2024-05-26 20:45:08 +00:00
import os
import re
import subprocess
from libqtile . config import KeyChord , Key , Screen , Group , Drag , Click
2024-09-22 11:03:17 +00:00
from libqtile . lazy import lazy
2024-05-26 20:45:08 +00:00
from libqtile import layout , bar , widget , hook
from libqtile . lazy import lazy
from typing import List # noqa: F401
mod = " mod4 " # Sets mod key to SUPER/WINDOWS
myTerm = " alacritty " # My terminal of choice
keys = [
Key ( [ mod ] , " Return " ,
lazy . spawn ( myTerm ) ,
desc = ' Launches My Terminal '
) ,
Key ( [ mod ] , " r " ,
lazy . spawn ( " rofi -show drun " ) ,
desc = ' Rofi Run Launcher '
) ,
Key ( [ mod ] , " Tab " ,
lazy . next_layout ( ) ,
desc = ' Toggle through layouts '
) ,
Key ( [ mod ] , " x " ,
lazy . window . kill ( ) ,
desc = ' Kill active window '
) ,
Key ( [ mod , " shift " ] , " r " ,
lazy . restart ( ) ,
desc = ' Restart Qtile '
) ,
Key ( [ mod , " shift " ] , " q " ,
lazy . shutdown ( ) ,
desc = ' Shutdown Qtile '
) ,
### Window controls
Key ( [ mod ] , " k " ,
lazy . layout . down ( ) ,
desc = ' Move focus down in current stack pane '
) ,
Key ( [ mod ] , " j " ,
lazy . layout . up ( ) ,
desc = ' Move focus up in current stack pane '
) ,
Key ( [ mod , " shift " ] , " k " ,
lazy . layout . shuffle_down ( ) ,
desc = ' Move windows down in current stack '
) ,
Key ( [ mod , " shift " ] , " j " ,
lazy . layout . shuffle_up ( ) ,
desc = ' Move windows up in current stack '
) ,
Key ( [ mod ] , " h " ,
lazy . layout . grow ( ) ,
lazy . layout . increase_nmaster ( ) ,
desc = ' Expand window (MonadTall), increase number in master pane (Tile) '
) ,
Key ( [ mod ] , " l " ,
lazy . layout . shrink ( ) ,
lazy . layout . decrease_nmaster ( ) ,
desc = ' Shrink window (MonadTall), decrease number in master pane (Tile) '
) ,
Key ( [ mod ] , " y " ,
lazy . layout . normalize ( ) ,
desc = ' normalize window size ratios '
) ,
Key ( [ mod , " shift " ] , " f " ,
lazy . window . toggle_floating ( ) ,
desc = ' toggle floating '
) ,
Key ( [ mod , " shift " ] , " w " ,
lazy . to_screen ( 0 ) ,
desc = ' Move focus to monitor one '
) ,
Key ( [ mod , " shift " ] , " e " ,
lazy . to_screen ( 1 ) ,
desc = ' Move focus to monitor two '
) ,
Key ( [ mod ] , " f " ,
lazy . spawn ( " firefox " ) ,
desc = ' Firefox '
) ,
Key ( [ mod ] , " n " ,
lazy . spawn ( " /home/emma/AppImages/Vesktop.AppImage " ) ,
desc = ' Vesktop '
) ,
Key ( [ mod , " shift " ] , " n " ,
lazy . spawn ( " discord " ) ,
desc = ' Standard Discord Client '
) ,
Key ( [ mod ] , " w " ,
lazy . spawn ( " lowriter " ) ,
desc = ' Libre Office Writer '
) ,
Key ( [ mod ] , " p " ,
lazy . spawn ( " pcmanfm " ) ,
desc = ' PCmanFM '
) ,
Key ( [ mod ] , " v " ,
lazy . spawn ( " vlc " ) ,
desc = ' VLC Media Player '
) ,
Key ( [ mod ] , " d " ,
lazy . spawn ( " deadbeef " ) ,
desc = ' The DeaDBeeF Music Player '
) ,
Key ( [ mod ] , " m " ,
lazy . spawn ( " mailspring --password-store= ' gnome-libsecret ' " ) ,
desc = ' My Email Client of Choice '
) ,
# Gscreenshot
KeyChord ( [ mod ] , " g " , [
Key ( [ ] , " s " , lazy . spawn ( " flameshot gui " ) ) ,
Key ( [ ] , " g " , lazy . spawn ( " flameshot full -c -p /home/emma/Bilder/flameshots " ) )
] ) ,
# Emacs
KeyChord ( [ mod ] , " e " , [
Key ( [ ] , " e " , lazy . spawn ( " emacsclient -c -a ' emacs ' " ) ) ,
Key ( [ ] , " p " , lazy . spawn ( " emacsclient -c -a ' emacs ' ~/Projektordner/Hauptprojekt.org " ) ) ,
Key ( [ ] , " q " , lazy . spawn ( " emacsclient -c -a ' emacs ' ~/.config/qtile/config.org " ) )
] ) ,
# Switching Keyboard Layouts
KeyChord ( [ mod ] , " space " , [
Key ( [ ] , " e " , lazy . spawn ( " setxkbmap -layout us -variant altgr-intl " ) ) ,
Key ( [ ] , " p " , lazy . spawn ( " setxkbmap -layout pl " ) ) ,
Key ( [ ] , " g " , lazy . spawn ( " setxkbmap -layout gr " ) ) ,
] ) ,
# Steam
KeyChord ( [ mod ] , " z " , [
### Steam Runtime
Key ( [ ] , " z " , lazy . spawn ( " steam " ) ) ,
### Hollow Knight
Key ( [ ] , " h " , lazy . spawn ( " steam steam://rungameid/367520 " ) ) ,
#### Code Vein
Key ( [ ] , " c " , lazy . spawn ( " steam steam://rungameid/678960 " ) ) ,
### Red Dead Redemption
Key ( [ ] , " r " , lazy . spawn ( " steam steam://rungameid/1174180 " ) ) ,
### Souls Series
KeyChord ( [ ] , " d " , [
Key ( [ ] , " 1 " , lazy . spawn ( " steam steam://rungameid/570940 " ) ) ,
Key ( [ ] , " 3 " , lazy . spawn ( " steam steam://rungameid/374320 " ) )
] ) ,
### SAO Series
KeyChord ( [ ] , " s " , [
Key ( [ ] , " 1 " , lazy . spawn ( " steam steam://rungameid/607890 " ) ) ,
Key ( [ ] , " 2 " , lazy . spawn ( " steam steam://rungameid/626690 " ) )
] ) ,
### Outlast Series
KeyChord ( [ ] , " o " , [
Key ( [ ] , " 1 " , lazy . spawn ( " steam steam://rungameid/238320 " ) ) ,
Key ( [ ] , " 2 " , lazy . spawn ( " steam steam://rungameid/414700 " ) )
] ) ,
### Tomb Raider Series
KeyChord ( [ ] , " t " , [
Key ( [ ] , " 1 " , lazy . spawn ( " steam steam://rungameid/203160 " ) ) ,
Key ( [ ] , " 2 " , lazy . spawn ( " steam steam://rungameid/391220 " ) ) ,
Key ( [ ] , " 3 " , lazy . spawn ( " steam steam://rungameid/750920 " ) )
] )
] )
group_names = [ ( " Term " , { ' layout ' : ' monadtall ' } ) ,
( " Web " , { ' layout ' : ' monadtall ' } ) ,
( " Chat " , { ' layout ' : ' monadtall ' } ) ,
( " Dev " , { ' layout ' : ' monadtall ' } ) ,
( " Game " , { ' layout ' : ' floating ' } ) ,
( " Text " , { ' layout ' : ' monadtall ' } ) ,
( " Music " , { ' layout ' : ' monadtall ' } ) ,
( " Misc " , { ' layout ' : ' floating ' } ) ,
( " Qbit " , { ' layout ' : ' monadtall ' } ) ]
groups = [ Group ( name , * * kwargs ) for name , kwargs in group_names ]
for i , ( name , kwargs ) in enumerate ( group_names , 1 ) :
keys . append ( Key ( [ mod ] , str ( i ) , lazy . group [ name ] . toscreen ( ) ) ) # Switch to another group
keys . append ( Key ( [ mod , " shift " ] , str ( i ) , lazy . window . togroup ( name ) ) ) # Send current window to another group
layout_theme = { " border_width " : 2 ,
" margin " : 6 ,
" border_focus " : " e1acff " ,
" border_normal " : " 1D2330 "
layouts = [
# layout.MonadWide(**layout_theme),
# layout.Bsp(**layout_theme),
# layout.Stack(stacks=2, **layout_theme),
# layout.Columns(**layout_theme),
# layout.Tile(shift_windows=True, **layout_theme),
# layout.RatioTile(**layout_theme),
# layout.VerticalTile(**layout_theme),
# layout.Zoomy(**layout_theme),
# layout.Matrix(**layout_theme),
# layout.Max(**layout_theme),
# layout.Stack(**layout_theme, num_stacks=2),
layout . MonadTall ( * * layout_theme ) ,
layout . Floating ( * * layout_theme )
colors = [ [ " #282c34 " , " #282c34 " ] , # panel background
[ " #434758 " , " #434758 " ] , # background for current screen tab
[ " #ffffff " , " #ffffff " ] , # font color for group names
[ " #ff5555 " , " #ff5555 " ] , # border line color for current tab
[ " #74438f " , " #74438f " ] , # border line color for other tab and odd widgets
[ " #4f76c7 " , " #4f76c7 " ] , # color for the even widgets
[ " #e1acff " , " #e1acff " ] ] # window name
# Sets the format for Qtile's run prompt. The config doesn't work if this isn't set but I didn't want to make a new Source Block and a literrate explanation for this, since it's only a thing that makes stuff work
prompt = " {0} @ {1} : " . format ( os . environ [ " USER " ] , os . uname ( ) [ 1 ] )
widget_defaults = dict (
font = " Mononoki Nerd Font " ,
fontsize = 12 ,
padding = 2 ,
background = colors [ 2 ]
extension_defaults = widget_defaults . copy ( )
def init_widgets_list ( ) :
widgets_list = [
widget . Sep (
linewidth = 0 ,
padding = 6 ,
foreground = colors [ 2 ] ,
background = colors [ 0 ]
) ,
widget . GroupBox (
font = " Mononoki Nerd Font " ,
fontsize = 9 ,
margin_y = 3 ,
margin_x = 0 ,
padding_y = 5 ,
padding_x = 3 ,
borderwidth = 3 ,
active = colors [ 2 ] ,
inactive = colors [ 2 ] ,
rounded = False ,
highlight_color = colors [ 1 ] ,
highlight_method = " line " ,
this_current_screen_border = colors [ 3 ] ,
this_screen_border = colors [ 4 ] ,
other_current_screen_border = colors [ 0 ] ,
other_screen_border = colors [ 0 ] ,
foreground = colors [ 2 ] ,
background = colors [ 0 ]
) ,
widget . Prompt (
prompt = prompt ,
font = " Mononoki Nerd Font " ,
padding = 10 ,
foreground = colors [ 3 ] ,
background = colors [ 1 ]
) ,
widget . Sep (
linewidth = 0 ,
padding = 40 ,
foreground = colors [ 2 ] ,
background = colors [ 0 ]
) ,
widget . WindowName (
foreground = colors [ 6 ] ,
background = colors [ 0 ] ,
padding = 0
) ,
widget . TextBox (
text = ' ' ,
background = colors [ 0 ] ,
foreground = colors [ 4 ] ,
padding = - 5 ,
fontsize = 37
) ,
widget . CPU (
foreground = colors [ 2 ] ,
background = colors [ 4 ] ,
padding = 3
) ,
widget . TextBox (
text = ' ' ,
background = colors [ 4 ] ,
foreground = colors [ 5 ] ,
padding = - 5 ,
fontsize = 37
) ,
widget . Memory (
foreground = colors [ 2 ] ,
background = colors [ 5 ] ,
padding = 5
) ,
widget . TextBox (
text = ' ' ,
background = colors [ 5 ] ,
foreground = colors [ 4 ] ,
padding = - 5 ,
fontsize = 37
) ,
widget . Net (
foreground = colors [ 2 ] ,
background = colors [ 4 ] ,
padding = 5
) ,
widget . TextBox (
text = ' ' ,
background = colors [ 4 ] ,
foreground = colors [ 5 ] ,
padding = - 5 ,
fontsize = 37
) ,
widget . TextBox (
text = " ⟳ " ,
padding = 2 ,
foreground = colors [ 2 ] ,
background = colors [ 5 ] ,
fontsize = 14
) ,
widget . CheckUpdates (
update_interval = 1800 ,
2024-05-28 22:43:01 +00:00
distro = " Gentoo_eix " ,
2024-05-26 20:45:08 +00:00
display_format = " {updates} Updates " ,
foreground = colors [ 2 ] ,
2024-05-28 22:43:01 +00:00
execute = ' alacritty -e doas emerge --sync && doas emerge -auDN @world && doas emerge -acv ' ,
2024-05-26 20:45:08 +00:00
background = colors [ 5 ]
) ,
widget . TextBox (
text = ' ' ,
background = colors [ 5 ] ,
foreground = colors [ 4 ] ,
padding = - 5 ,
fontsize = 37
) ,
widget . CurrentLayout (
foreground = colors [ 2 ] ,
background = colors [ 4 ] ,
padding = 5
) ,
widget . TextBox (
text = ' ' ,
background = colors [ 4 ] ,
foreground = colors [ 5 ] ,
padding = - 5 ,
fontsize = 37
) ,
widget . Clock (
foreground = colors [ 2 ] ,
background = colors [ 5 ] ,
execute = ' gnome-calendar ' ,
format = " % A, % B %d [ % H: % M: % S ] "
) ,
widget . Sep (
linewidth = 0 ,
padding = 10 ,
foreground = colors [ 0 ] ,
background = colors [ 5 ]
) ,
widget . TextBox (
text = ' ' ,
background = colors [ 5 ] ,
foreground = colors [ 4 ] ,
padding = - 5 ,
fontsize = 37
) ,
widget . Systray (
background = colors [ 4 ] ,
padding = 2
) ,
widget . Sep (
linewidth = 0 ,
padding = 5 ,
foreground = colors [ 2 ] ,
background = colors [ 4 ]
) ,
return widgets_list
def init_widgets_screen1 ( ) :
widgets_screen1 = init_widgets_list ( )
return widgets_screen1
def init_widgets_screen2 ( ) :
widgets_screen2 = init_widgets_list ( )
widgets_screen2 = widgets_screen2 [ : - 3 ] + widgets_screen2 [ - 1 : ]
return widgets_screen2
def init_screens ( ) :
return [ Screen ( top = bar . Bar ( widgets = init_widgets_screen1 ( ) , opacity = 1.0 , size = 20 ) ) ,
Screen ( top = bar . Bar ( widgets = init_widgets_screen2 ( ) , opacity = 1.0 , size = 20 ) ) ]
if __name__ in [ " config " , " __main__ " ] :
screens = init_screens ( )
def window_to_prev_group ( qtile ) :
if qtile . currentWindow is not None :
i = qtile . groups . index ( qtile . currentGroup )
qtile . currentWindow . togroup ( qtile . groups [ i - 1 ] . name )
def window_to_next_group ( qtile ) :
if qtile . currentWindow is not None :
i = qtile . groups . index ( qtile . currentGroup )
qtile . currentWindow . togroup ( qtile . groups [ i + 1 ] . name )
# A list, which tells the mouse what to do when which button is pressed together with the mod key.
mouse = [
Drag ( [ mod ] , " Button1 " , lazy . window . set_position_floating ( ) ,
start = lazy . window . get_position ( ) ) ,
Drag ( [ mod ] , " Button3 " , lazy . window . set_size_floating ( ) ,
start = lazy . window . get_size ( ) ) ,
Click ( [ mod ] , " Button2 " , lazy . window . bring_to_front ( ) )
dgroups_key_binder = None
dgroups_app_rules = [ ] # type: List
main = None
follow_mouse_focus = False
bring_front_click = True
cursor_warp = False
floating_layout = layout . Floating ( float_rules = [
* layout . Floating . default_float_rules
] )
auto_fullscreen = True
focus_on_window_activation = " smart "
auto_minimize = False
def start_once ( ) :
home = os . path . expanduser ( ' ~ ' )
subprocess . Popen ( [ home + ' /.config/qtile/autostart.sh ' ] )
wmname = " qtile "