This is my project wallman. Wallman is a simple python program used for setting Dynamic Wallpapers on minimalist X11 Window Managers and Wayland compositors. The name is a reference to TomSka: [[]]
This version is an early Alpha. As of now, it supports the most important features for my usecase, those being randomly selected wallpaper sets and wallpaper sets that change by the time of day. The program is not modular yet and I would expect a lot of bugs related to the configuration file. Just how it is, I'm working on it.
As such, please make absolutely sure you follow the instructions on how to write the config file very closely. I will implement better config handling with more meaningful error output in the future. For now, follow everything really closely and read the logs if needed. If you do that, it /should/ work.
First of all, the config file is structured via different TOML dictionaries. There are two TOML dictionaries: general and changing_times that must be present in every config. Aside from that, further dictionaries are needed depending on how wallman is configured. You need to create a dictionary with the name of each wallpaper set defined in the used_sets list (more on that later). You should probably just configure wallman by editing the sample config as it is by far the easiest way to do it.
This defaults to "false". Enable to set send a desktop notification when the wallpaper is changed. The program will still work correctly, even if this option is not defined at all.
Wallpaper to be set if an error is found in the config or the wallpaper intended to be set cannot be found. Defaults to "/etc/wallman/DefaultFallbackWallpaper.jpg". If none is set and the config has been written incorrectly, a ConfigError is raised and the program is exited. If an error in the config occurs but the fallback wallpaper has been defined, it will be set and wallman will raise a config error. If The config is written correctly but the wallpaper intended to be set can't be found, wallman will set the fallback wallpaper and continue to try setting future wallpapers. You can both change this location (recommended) or the wallpaper that the path points to.
Loglevel to be used by wallman. Defaults to INFO. Choices MUST be DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or CRITICAL. Using any capitalization is valid, all caps is reccomended. Wallman will crash if a value is specified that is not one of the specified ones.
This defaults to "true". This enables support for a systray that has the features to re-set your wallpaper (Mostly useful if feh shits itself or if you want to set the correct wallpaper for a specific time of day after your device was suspended) without rerolling the wallpaper set used, a button to reroll and then re-set the wallpaper, as well as a Quit button. Disable this to save a very tiny amount of memory.
This defaults to ~--bg-fill~. This is also the value that will be used when an invalid configuration option has been set. This supports 6 different modes, each mode has 2 possible keywords, resulting in 12 total valid keywords.
~--bg-tile~, ~tile~. Sets the wallpaper only on one monitor, the other ones get filled with black or white. Mostly useful for Xinerama setups with overlapping monitors. Equivalent to ~--bg-tile~ in feh.
~--bg-center~, ~center~. Sets a wallpaper with the center of the wallpaper centered on the middle of the screen. Crops edges. Equivalent to ~--bg-center~ in feh.
~--bg-fill~, ~fill~ (Default). Fills the whole screen with the wallpaper and zooms to preserve the original aspect ratio. Equivalent to ~--bg-fill~ in feh.
~--bg-max~, ~max~. Scales the image to the maximum possible size. Equivalent to ~--bg-max~ in feh.
~--bg-scale~, ~scale~. Scales the wallpaper to fill the screen, but does not preserve the original aspect ratio. Leads to squishing if aspect ratio of screen and wallpaper don't match. Equivalent to ~--bg-scale~ in feh.
The changing_times dictionary is used to specify the times of the day when your wallpaper is switched. The names of the keys do not matter here, the values must always be strings in the "XX:YY:ZZ" 24 hour time system. use 00:00:00 for midnight. Note that XX should be in the range of 00-23 and YY and ZZ should be in the range of 00-59.
*** The other dictionaries
The other dictionaries must always have the names of the wallpaper sets from used_sets. If you have one wallpaper set, you need one additional dictionary, if you have two you need two etc. The standard config uses nature and anime, these names can be whatever you please as long as they are the same as the ones specified in used_sets.
The keys in the dictionary once again do not matter, the names of the keys in each dictionary must be strings and be absolute paths. They should not include spaces unless prefaced by a backslash.
+ Drop the feh dependecy and set wallpapers using pywlroots or python-xlib
** Features
+ Add support for wallpapers that dynamically change with the time of day (Morning, noon, evening, night or light levels) rather than to times set in the config
+ Add support for wallpapers that change by the weather